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Current Litters...

First The Process:


We maintain a master reservation list that you can find under the tab "Puppy Central".  This is a list of pre-approved buyers that have an approved puppy application (application is on our home page) and after approval submitted their $500 nonrefundable deposit to get onto this list and this amount goes towards the cost of the puppy.  As we have a litter, we go down our list, in order of deposits, to see who would like a puppy from that respective litter in order of deposits.  We provide weekly pictures and videos and commentary on the puppies.  We will also provide individual puppy videos including the results of their Volhard puppy aptitude test results so that the buyer has a better picture of the personalities of the puppies they are choosing from.  Commonly we go very deep into our deposit list as many people on our list are not ready for a puppy quite yet. You will see on our master reservation list two lists: 1) current people that are ready for a puppy in the current year; and 2) the complete list of approved buyers for the current year and those getting puppies in future years. Once you are approved you will receive an acceptance letter and in that letter we will let you know what the approximate wait time is (usually it's 4-8 months depending on color preference with some colors, such as sables and merle tricolors, being 12-18+ months but we are working on increasing those lines to reduce this waiting period). Per the puppy contract each puppy will have two (2) years to select a puppy (and a minimum of 3 puppy offers).  Please review our Puppy Contract located in the drop down menu "Puppy Central" at the top. 


The first step to purchasing a puppy from us is to complete the online Puppy Application that you will find on our home page. Then, if a family has been pre-approved, and has deposited, they will be placed onto our master reservation list in order of deposits.   


We will update this page as we have more information BUT for immediate day-to-day updates please check out our FaceBook, Instagram or Tik Tok pages.  Weekly pictures and videos can be found on these pages.



Second the Current/Upcoming Litters (the following are our tentative breeding plans for 2025) (For pictures of the adults see  "Our Dogs"):


  • Mercy x Leo (Spring/Fall 2025; F1 Standard Bernedoodles; traditional tricolors and sables)

  • Willow x Ford (Fall 2025; F1 Standard Bernedoodles; traditional tricolors and abstract phantoms); 

  • Lola x Yogi (Spring/Fall 2025); F1 Standard Bernedoodles; traditional tricolors)

  • Stella x Ford (Fall 2025; F1 Standard Bernedoodles; traditional tricolors and merles)

  • Heidi x Yogi (Fall 2025; F1 Standard Bernedoodles; traditional tricolors and sables)

  • Pippi x Marly/Yogi (Fall 2025; F1 Standard Bernedoodles; traditional tricolors, black & white, merles)

  • Jessie x Moose (Spring/Fall 2025; Multigen Minibernedoodles; traditional tricolors and merles)

  • Bo x Moose (Fall 2025; Multigen Minibernedoodles; traditional tricolors and merles)


Please visit our FaceBook , Instagram and Tik Tok pages for daily updates including pictures and videos once the litters arrive. The next sections below are for our current litters or confirmed pregnancies and will be available at that time (If there are no puppy pictures then we are waiting on the puppies!).  For now you can peruse thru the matings below to see each of their litters and we will posting one of the weekly pictures below as well (for more pictures checkout our Instagram and FaceBook pages!)

Lola x Yogi F1 Standard Bernedoodles Have Arrived! Born on March 6, 2025

Lola (AKC Standard Poodle) and Yogi (AKC European Bernese Mountain Dog) had 8 beautiful F1 Standard Bernedoodles that are all perfectly marked. 4 Boys and 4 Girls and all are traditional tricolors. You can also check out their individual videos at our FaceBook page Premier Doodles.

Mercy x Leo F1 Standard Bernedoodles Have Arrived! Born on March 18, 2025 

Mercy (AKC European Bernese Mountain Dog) and Leo (large AKC Standard Poodle) had 5 beautiful F1 Standard Bernedoodles that are all very well marked.  They had 2 sable males and 1 traditional tricolor male and 2 traditional tricolor females. Pictures coming soon but you can check out their individual videos at our FaceBook page Premier Doodles.

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