Specializing in Beautiful & Stunning European F1 Standard Bernedoodle and Multigen Minibernedoodle Puppies
Bio-Sensor Puppy Program
(aka Early Neurological Stimulation)
What is the Bio-Sensor Puppy Program?
Bio-Sensor, aka Early Neurological Stimulation, is an important part of the first 16 days of the puppies life that will build the framework of their success and is a part of the cost of the puppy...you don't have to request this program as it is part of the cost of the puppy to give him or her the best start possible. The Bio-sensor program was developed by the U.S. Military as a way to enhance the training and performance of dogs that were called to duty. The long and short of it is that stimulation and activation of the nervous system, while performing various voluntary nonintrusive manipulative actions by the trainer, can stimulate and enhance the plasticity of responses and aid in the development of a stronger, more coordinated, and intelligent dog based on some simple activities performed once per day, between 3-16 days of age. These sessions are very short, very nonintrusive, and research has shown that there are some huge neurological benefits as they get older based on this program that is conducted during the first week after birth. Therefore all of our puppies go through the Bio-Sensor program between 3-16 days after birth in our home.
Additionally, we assure continual interaction of the puppy's and their mother, and litter mates, as well as people, that can accomplish a similar goal however we have added the bio-sensor program to our puppy training during their stay in our home before they go to their new forever home. We feel that between the natural interactions they have with their litter mates, interactions with our family, and the Bio-Sensor program, along with the crate training we do, and starting some basic obedence, that your puppy will be off to a fantastic start. You'll see the quality of our breeder parents that goes into each and every puppy. We have worked very hard, and been very patient, to find founder breeding dogs that conform to our highest priorities: 1) temperament; 2) conformation; and 3) just a great looking dog that have solid draft, health guarantees and testing, and will provide years and years of enjoyment for your family.
How is the Bio-sensor Program Done?
There are five primary activities that are done on the puppy, each for 3-5 seconds.
1) thermal stimulation (expose the puppy to a cool spot using a towel or other soft item)
2) placing the puppy in a supine position (cupping the dog gently in your hands with their back toward your hand and their paws pointing to the ceiling
3) holding the puppy's head erect and perpendicular to the ground, again by gently cupping the puppy in two hands and supporting the body
4) Just the opposite of #3 above where the head is pointed toward the ground while safely and gently cupping the puppy with two hands
5) tactically stimulating the puppy with a soft q-tip by touching various parts of the paws between the toes. This last activity can be likened to tickling the soft parts between the toes. Collectively, this entire procedure takes about 1-2 minutes to complete, and the puppies are never placed into situations where they are not safe and secure or stressed.
The longterm benefits of this program is huge and we want to give our puppies every opportunity to succeed and this is one of many steps that we follow. Besides this, our puppies are played with constantly, not only by their puppy mates and mom and dad, but all of us on the human side as well! We are constantly playing with them and perhaps this alone would be good enough but the Bio-Sensor program is another tool to assure that our puppies are the very best.

Acclimated to a Home Environment
Because all of our Premier Bernedoodle Puppies are raised in our home, they get used to the cacophony of family sounds and noises and foot traffic. Startling sounds, voices, instruments, vacuums, and you name it, they are exposed to on a daily basis. They are learning the patterns of living in a home which will make acclimation to your home much, much easier. We talk to them all day long and can be with them 24/7. Another reason to give our puppies a serious look!