How Much to Feed a Bernedoodle
One of the most common questions we get is how much to feed their puppy, teenager and adult bernedoodle. Great question and unfortunately...

Feeding Puppies
Just a quick reminder that all new puppies are to be fed 3x/day. Start with a cup of food and if they clear it then add another 1/4 cup...

As fall quickly approaches we wanted to introduce you to Autumn! Many of you already know her. Autumn is from our Zoe x Ford bloodlines...

Indie and Yogi’s F1 Standard Bernedoodles
Hard to believe they are already 6-weeks-old! But they are beautiful and grii oh wing so fast. You can follow their videos and pictures...
Master Reservation List Open
We have opened 35 spots on our master reservation list. Unfortunately there could still be an 18-36 month wait depending on color...

Spring 2021 Litters Going Home
It's amazing how fast this spring has gone....we had a total of 4 standard Bernedoodle litters that produced 37 standard Bernedoodle...

New Poodles Added to the Pack!
We had a successful breeding between our AKC registered Zoe x Jax so that we could keep their amazing bloodlines going. We kept back 2...

Remi’s Puppies Have Arrived!
Remi (F1b standard bernedoodle) had 9 healthy and beautiful puppies (5 girls and 4 boys). These were dual sired with Teddy (F1 red sable...

Spring Update
Spring Update! Remi (F1b standard bernedoodle) will be having her litter of F2b (side is Teddy, a red sable and white F1 standard...

Merry Christmas!
Hope everybody has a very Merry Christmas!