Specializing in Beautiful & Stunning European F1 Standard Bernedoodle and Multigen Minibernedoodle Puppies
Customer Reviews & Testimonials
We greatly value your reviews and thank you for taking a few minutes out of your busy day to let us know how we are doing. We strive for 100% customer satisfaction and have put in an extraordinary amount of time to making sure that we produce the very BEST bernedoodle on the market..we are biased but we believe our Premier Bernedoodles fit the bill! Our comments that we have continued to receive are a strong testimony of the effort we put into our dogs and puppies and customer service and we greatly appreciate our families that continue to provide great homes for our little fur babies. We do require a $500 nonrefundable deposit (paid after application is approved) to get on to our master reservation list so please consider this before placing a deposit. We gauge how many litters to have each year based on how many paid deposits we have and although this deposit goes fully towards the balance owed, we do purchase breeder dogs based on how many deposits we receive and this is a large expense as we import our Bernese Mountain Dogs from Europe. This is sometimes a point of contention with buyers so we stress this in our original reply letter, acceptance letter and it's also in our Puppy Contract that our application requires being read and is initialed that has been read PRIOR to placing a deposit. So please be sure we are the right breeder for you before placing a deposit (after an approved puppy application).
There are several ways to leave comments. One is by using the anonymous (don't have to put name...can use an anonymous name, first name, initials, whatever you feel comfortable with) form below. Also, any comments left on our FaceBook pages (www.facebook.com/premierdoodles or www.facebook.com/premierdoodlesfamilies) could be used here as well. Prospective buyers are welcome to checkout our www.facebook.com/premierdoodles page for up to date information. The www.facebook.com/premierdoodlesfamilies is by invite only and only for customers that have already purchased one of our puppies. You can also check out our Google reviews as well. Simply google Premier Doodles and when our name comes up there should be a "Reviews" tab you can hit.
We strive to be the best and your input is invaluable to all of us here at Premier Doodles, as well as our prospective customers.
We are intimately concerned about the welfare of our puppies as they transition into their new homes and testimonials are the best way for us to continue to find the best homes possible for our Premier Bernedoodles.
Thank you very much and we truly do have the best customers ever!!