Specializing in Beautiful & Stunning European F1 Standard Bernedoodle and Multigen Minibernedoodle Puppies
What is a Bernedoodle? Colors? Patterns?
A bernedoodle is part Bernese Mountain Dog and part Poodle and is a carefully planned mixed breed designed to combine the loyalty and goofiness of a berner and the intelligence and lifespan of a standard poodle. At Premier Doodles we breed two types of standard bernedoodles, F1 and F1b Standard Bernedoodles and we also have a line of Multigen Minibernedoodles.
An F1 standard Bernedoodle is half Standard Poodle and half Bernese Mountain Dog. Females generally range between 65-75+ lbs and males 75-85+ lbs. An F1b is produced from crossing an F1 Standard Bernedoodle backcrossed with a Standard Poodle (for consistent non-shedding) or can do a reverse backcross to a Bernese Mountain Dog (but will risk getting more shedding and potentially no furnishings and therefore we avoid this cross). Our F1b standards will often get about the same size as our F1 Standard Bernedoodles. Some of our F1 and F1b Standard Bernedoodle females will trend into the 90's and some of our boys will trend over 100 lbs so there is some variability in weights and we can help direct which planned breedings will get you closest to the size range you're looking for.
Our multigenerational minibernedoodles represent many generations of breeding to size down the standard side but genetically are closer to 50:50 Bernese Mountain Dog and Poodle and will range between 35-55 lbs, with males tending toward the higher part of this range and females covering this range. Again if you're looking for a smaller or larger minibernedoodle we can help advise which planned breedings will come closest to achieving this goal.
An ultrabernedoodle is a multigenerational bernedoodle backcrossed to a bernese mountain dog to get a little more bernese mountain dog into the bernedoodle while making sure they have furnishings but the risk of a slightly heavier shedding bernedoodle exists but can range from low to moderate shedding but with a carefully planned event can be on the lower side. Ultrabernedoodles with straighter coats as a puppy will likely have a higher risk of being a moderate shedding dog as an adult and a puppy with a wavier coat will tend to be lower. At this time we are exploring this as a possible breeding option but at this time have opted to stick with our F1 Standard Bernedoodles and Multigen Minibernedoodles.
All of our F1 and F1b standard bernedoodles, and our multigen minibernedoodles will be fully furnished and carry the normal furnishing allele that gives us the standard teddy bear fluffy look. We do on occassion maintain a blood line of standard poodles that will carry a loose wavy coat allele that is furnished but will have a slightly thinner but looser wavy coat and litters from standard poodle moms that carry the loose wavy coat gene and each puppy from those litters are genetically tested so we can advise buyers which puppies do and do not carry the loose wavy coat gene (we only have one mom that has this at this time, the rest all carry two copies of the normal fluffy coat gene). The advantage of the loose wavy coat is that they tend to hold their color better and easier to manage. For litters where we are using a standard poodle that carries this loose wavy coat gene we will test every single puppy in that litte to make sure we know which carry the loose wavy coat vs standard teddy bear fluffy allele. Again most of the bernedoodles we produce are fully furnished and this will be the case for the next few years as we do not currently have any standard poodles that carry a weak furnishing allele.
The standard bernedoodle is a fast growing large breed that is incredibly smart, loyal, goofy and wants to please you with everything it does. They train very easily and our puppy training program is exceptional at preparing our puppies for their new homes. However being a large breed the family MUST be able to satisfy the 4 pillars required to be successful: 1) health (providing high quality nutrition); 2) physical exercise and mental exercise; and almost most importantly to have a well adjusted calm bernedoodle; 3) appropriate love (ie give love when they are doing acceptable behaviors so that these can be positively reinforced and do not give love when they are doing a behavior that you want to extinguish); 4) boundaries and authority over them. If parents can not exert authority over their dog and afraid of correcting quickly negative behaviors as they come up with love but absolute authority they should not get a bernedoodle. Also there must be boundaries as well so that the dog understands the game plan. If this last pillar is not satisfied then the dog will take on an alpha role and that will actually lead to more stress in your dog's life then allowing you to be the alpha.
Bernedoodles are exceptional family dogs and will love kids of all ages. HOWEVER the parent(s) and children must teach their new puppy structure and boundaries and be appropriately loving but firm as well. Families that do not have control over their large fast growing bernedoodle could end up with some dominance issues so be sure to teach your new puppy boundaries right from the start....much like a kid! They should have a longevity of approximately 12+ years but this can be impacted by the administration of traditional flea and tick preventative meds as these are full of toxins and there's many class action law suits due to a rapidly increasing cancer association and as such the FDA has also submitted warnings, diet, mental and physical exercise, other environmental exposures, and acts of God. Diet and exercise and environmental exposures to other contaminants can obviously impact lifespans as well.

Colors and Patterns
We produce F1 and F1b standard bernedoodles and multigen minibernedoodles that come in the following colors/patters: 1) traditional tricolors; 2) sables; 3) black and white bicolors; 4) merle (black merle tricolor, chocolate merle tricolor, blue merle tricolor, black and chocolate merle phantom, and solid black, chocolate and blue merles); 5) phantom (black phantom, chocolate phantom, and abstract phantom); and 6) parti marked traditional tricolors, chocolate, sable and black and white bicolor. See the sections below for more information about these colors and patterns and some pictures.
Traditional Tricolor Bernedoodles
A traditional tricolor bernedoodle is one that is marked and colored much like bernese mountain dog with a white snout and blaze up the forehead, white paws, white chest and white tip of the tail with a background color of black and tan points above the eyes, cheeks, lower legs and rump. Within the tricolors there's several varieties including: standard/black tricolor (again marked like a bernese mountain dog), standard mismarked standard tricolor (occurs when the white in the face is not even or the blaze goes to one side or the other of the forehead instead of right down the middle, etc.), chocolate/brown standard tricolor (marked like a standard tricolor except instead of having a black base they have a brown base color), and brindle pointed standard bernedoodle (you'll see slight dark colored bands in the areas where there's tans). Sometimes a bernedoodle has unique asymetrical white markings on the face in which case they are referred to as mismarked traditional tricolors (e.g. Luca below is an example of a mimarked tricolor as half of this face is white and the other is tan). Tricolors can sometimes hold their tan points for life while others will lighten up to a caramel color.The following mothers all produce traditional tricolored bernedoodles: Luna, Willow, Lola, Stella, Pippi, Heidi, Mercy, Astra and Diva).

Sable Bernedoodles
A sable bernedoodle is where the hair follicle has a black tip but usually comes in browns, reddish browns, and various shades of browns in the background color with a white tipped tail, white paws, white chest and various amounts of white in the face and blaze. This is by far the most highly sought after color and wait times of 12-18+ months is typical to get a sable. Some sables will hold their color for life while others will sometimes lighten up to a caramel color. The following mothers produce sables: Mercy, Diva, Astra, GiGi, and Heidi.

Black & White Bicolor
The black and white bicolor is our personal favorite color due to its high contrast and the reason why our logo was built around this color. The black and whites come in varying amounts of white on the face but they all have white paws, white tipped tail and large white chest. Sometimes black and white bicolors can be mismarked like in Mabel in the picture where half of her snout is white and half black to tan and The Hulk right next to Mabel). Typically the black and white holds its color for life without fading or graying. The following mothers that can produce black and white bicolors: GiGi and Pippi.

Merle Tricolors, Merle Solid and Merle Phantom
Merle is a pattern that can have a black, blue or chocolate base color with various dark colored patches. They can be traditionally marked (merle tricolor), have a merle pattern with no white or tan points in the face/body (Merle solid), or can have some white in the chest, feet, but limited white in the face (abstract Merle) or merle phantom (phantom background pattern with tan points but no white in the face). The mothers that will produce merles include: Luna (blue based merles), Pippi (chocolate based merles) and Stella (black based merles).

Traditional tricolor, Parti, Tuxedo, Phantom and Abstract Phantom Patterns...
"Traditional Tricolor", "Parti", "Tuxedo", "Phantom" and "Abstract Phantom" are types of patterns that we produce. Here's an explanation of each:
"Traditional Tricolor": This is the standard and this is what the bernese mountain dog is marked as. When you think of a classic bernedoodle, the original bernedoodle, this is the mainstay and still our most heavily requested type.
"Parti": This is a pattern where you'll get a light base color with either red, sable, or black blotches on the sides over the light base color that is evident on the sides of the body.
"Tuxedo": This is similar to a "Parti" in that they have a light colored background (often white) but instead of having large blotches will have a single large colored area (brown, sable, black) that wraps around the sides and top of the dog.
"Phantom": Think of a rottweiler or doberman....a dog with a black base, tan markings on the rump, cheeks, eyebrows, snout and bottom of the legs.
"Abstract Phantom": Think of a "Phantom" but with a large white chest, white on the paws, and varying degrees of nominal white in the face.
We could have also included Merle as this is really a pattern but very distinctive and therefore we kept it in it's own section.