Specializing in Beautiful & Stunning European F1 Standard Bernedoodle and Multigen Minibernedoodle Puppies
How/Where Do We Keep Our Puppies & Adults...
This is a great question and I believe a very important one. Our adult dams and sires that we use in our breeding program are all part of our pack...they live in our home and have freedom to interact with our family 24/7. The only exception is that our daughter Brooke and her husband Abe live in Ohio and have started our Multigen Minibernedoodle project following all of our same protocol and Brooke was born and raised in our dog business and does an exceptional job and has a state-of-the-art setup. Brooke was one of our main caretakers in the beginning and has mastered bio-sensor, puppy culture and social rearing of the puppies and will allow us to expand our numbers a little to meet the high demand for our Premier puppies. Brooke provides the same environmental conditions and housebreaking and crate training protocol as we do here and has done an amazing job! The rest of the menagerie (two male Berners, 1 male standard poodle, and 7 female standard poodles) all stay in our home. They learn routines, responsibilities, and how to interact in a family setting. But mostly they are loved and nurtured and it's hard to find a room in our home that doesn't have one of our dogs hanging out with the kids.
We live in a 4000 square foot new contemporary home and they learn quickly the same boundaries that our kids have to learn. They can freely come and go outside into their large fenced in area as they wish but they have to give us an appropriate signal before going outside. They learn to go to the back door, and sit, and if there's nobody there they will give a quick bark. Pretty much the same routine our puppies will follow in your home during the housebreaking process. When they want to come in it's the same thing....sit....a sharp bark....and they're back in. They really have freedom but have rules they have to follow to get what they want. Are they perfect....sorry I'm laughing as I am writing this, but NO! But' that's absolutely ok! But mostly they're great and we have lots and lots of playtime with our dogs throughout the day. Because we homeschool there is always somebody home. Our puppy kennels are actually set up in our home, right in our master bedroom off the kitchen area so that Sharon and Chris can keep a watchful eye on the puppies and the moms and to make sure everybody is healthy and doing well. This also gives us the opportunity to really get to know each puppy well and to get them into a routine. For the first couple of weeks they spend most of their time nursing and the mom spends most of her time cleaning up after the puppies and licking them a lot. For the first 16 days we conduct the bio-sensor neural stimulation program on each individual puppy. This is a rather nonintrusive program but one that has tremendous benefits to each puppy. From about 16 days thru 8 weeks we are daily working with the puppies on various aspects of socialization and cognitive development through a program called Puppy Culture (see our tab on this part of our program). Both bio-sensor and Puppy Culture are included in the price and part of our breeding program. Once the puppies open their eyes they will very soon transition to going potty in a transition litter box filled with grass scented bedding. This begins the process of teaching them that there is a right place, and a wrong place, to go potty and they pick this up very, very quickly. This is a process. But once they reach 4-5 weeks of age, we will start getting them outside a lot, and they will begin holding their bladder until they get outside as they really prefer to wait to go potty until they are outside. We never play with the puppies outside until they have all gone potty. We begin teaching potty commands during this time ("Go Potty" for urination and "Go Poo Poo" for, well, you know). Once they have all eliminated and we have cleaned up their separate fenced in puppy area (50' x 40' Bermuda grass and privacy fenced in area that is only used for the puppies), it's then play time! And by far this is the most fun part of the day. Nothing like rolling around on the ground with 8 to 20 puppies all jumping and wrestling about. We start getting them into routines while in our care so that they will transition well into your home. Because the indoor puppy welping areas are in our master bedroom, which is right off the kitchen, the puppies get a TON of attention by our kids and they get to hear all of our family interactions, guitar, piano, music, appliances, vacuums....you name it they'll hear it and they get very used to it. We have video on our FaceBook page showing us vacuuming right around our puppies and they barely lift a head. Every day we are doing some aspect of Puppy Culture based on a prescribed schedule. If weather permits, we will get the disinfected kiddie pools out and introduce them to water. We also use sprinklers in our puppy area to let them play....most of our puppies will be real water dogs!
Our normal routine is: Between 5:00-6:00 am puppies get up (you can train and adjust to a different time) and we get them outside. At around 6:15 am we feed the puppies and then about 30 minutes later, while outside, we do our Puppy Culture training (we will routinely do this training in several different areas of the house as well to give them different exposures). We do all of the above and stay with the puppies until around 7:00 am, at which time we bring them back inside. During the time they are outside with one of us, somebody else is cleaning out the indoor kennels in our master bedroom. Once cleaned, and the puppies have had sufficient time for completing their puppy culture training, playtime, and the like, they come back inside. By this time, they are pretty much ready for a long snooze for a good part of the morning. Once they wake up around 10-11 am, we get them outside (weather permitting, if not, they have their transition litter box) and repeat the process and they get fed at that time as well. Afternoon another snooze, and we get them outside again in the afternoon before dinner and during dinner. We will then get them outside again in the evening. We are constantly cleaning the kennel which is done overtime the puppies go outside.
Once they get to their new homes, never, ever use a transition litter box again unless there's a pressing issue to do so (such as an unexpected event that causes you to have to leave your puppy more than 2 hours in which case you can get an x-pen and clip to the outside of an open crate and water in the fenced area along with the litter pan which can be partially filled with alfalfa or Timothy hay pellets that you can get from a feed store or Tractor Supply). They need to learn to go to the bathroom outside so the sooner you can ditch the litter pan the better. Puppies have small bladders and have to get outside a lot, especially between weeks 8-16 and when they are awake during the day should be taken out every 20-30 minutes (see our Puppy Training Guide under the Puppy Central tab at the top) but you'll find that around 12-13 weeks they will start becoming much better with holding it longer.
In the end, we hope that you will really enjoy the Premier Doodle difference.....we love every minute of the hard work we put into them!