Specializing in Beautiful & Stunning European F1 Standard Bernedoodle and Multigen Minibernedoodle Puppies
Premier Doodles Multigen Minibernedoodles!!
Premier Doodles is excited to announce that we have started our Premier Multigen Minibernedoodle project and you can find them here at the drop down menu "Our Dogs"! We actually started this a couple of years ago when we carefully selected exceptional breeding stock and then had to make sure their genetic panels were clear of poodle and bernese mountain dog diseases and that they passed their OFA hip/elbow and PennHip scans (which they all have!). We cleared these hurdles and then it was just a wait and see to evaluate their personalities and after much waiting we moved forward with this project with an amazing furry crew. Our multigen minibernedoodle parents are Bo (girl merle and about 35 lbs), Jessie (girl tricolor and about 45 lbs) and Moose (boy merle and about 35 lbs) and then we also have Lola (smaller AKC standard poodle who is 42 lbs) that we breed to Alibi (a small multigen minibernedoodle around 35 lbs). They all have a beautiful square build, superb conformation and structure, and beautiful personalities and we couldn't be happier with our first litter from Lola x Alibi (see pictures below). We will maintain a separate reservation list for those that only want a minibernedoodle. So what exactly makes a mini....a mini! Great question and for us these founding parents will give us minibernedoodles in the 35-50 lb range. These lines are proven and solid and produce some amazing minibernedoodles that exceed our Premier expectations. Our daughter Brooke and her husband Abe For more information feel free to email us at premierdoodles@gmail.com