Specializing in Beautiful & Stunning European F1 Standard Bernedoodle and Multigen Minibernedoodle Puppies
Volhard Puppy Aptitude Testing...
All of our Premier Bernedoodle puppies go through the Volhard Puppy Aptitude Testing program. This program is rubric based system that applies numerical values (1-6) for 10 separate tests that look at social attraction to people, willingness to follow people, degree of dominant or submissive tendency, degree of acceptance of social dominance by a person, degree of accepting dominance while at the veterinarian or groomers, degree of willingness to do something for you such as retrieving, degree of sensitivity to touch, degree of sensitivity to sound (loud noises and/or thunderstorms), degree of response to a moving object (such as bicycles or running children or squirrels, etc.), and degree of startle response to a strange object. From all of this we use a scoring system to evaluate each puppy and how they might fit into different home environments. We use this information in helping to advise prospective buyers on each puppies' personality. We get a lot of consistency in VPAT results mainly due to our consistent breeding program that uses adults with very similar traits that do best in homes with families. Generally our puppies all score in the 3.4-4.2 range and that's generally what you're looking for in bernedoodles (lots of 3's and 4's on the 10 separate VPAT tests).